Many women feel they just don’t get men and how they think in relationships. If there is a basic misunderstanding, there are bound to be problems that arise. Here are a few simple tips to help you deal better with the opposite sex.
Here are 7 good tips:
1. Don’t beat around the bush. Speak your mind clearly. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Though some are into game playing, they are not mind readers. If an issue needs addressed, address it and cut-to-the chase.
2. If your man seems to have forgotten basic grooming or has some other annoying habit that he has allowed to resurface, a gentle reminder should do the trick. Don’t nag. It won’t get you to your desired goal anyway. Perhaps he has forgotten he should open the door for you (yes guys, some of us still like it that way). You may try a little cough or a simple gesture towards the door.
3. If you want him to compliment you and he doesn’t, just ask. Asking for compliments is also to see if he your choice of style and color, etc. A little flattery and suggestion of coloring and styling for your guy is acceptable, too. Yes, men like compliments too.
4. Men are used to being the ones to ask someone out. So if there’s a place you want to go, make sure to bring it up. And don’t be afraid or timid about speaking up to voice your opinions about what you want to go, where you want to go, what you want to eat, etc. Especially in the world of dieting today, males tend to think that all females are dieting and want salads for meals. If you have an appetite for seafood and steak – speak up!
5. Don’t play games. It is OK to flirt and tease a little bit. Men even expect you to do it some. But do NOT become a game player. It is an easy way to go from being interesting to not being taken seriously at all.
6. Establish rapport with the man in your life. It is fairly easy to get into rapport with a person when there is a common interest. If you both like each other, that is motivation enough to begin to mirror and match his motions and gestures. Ladies, this technique works and works well with someone you just met. Now don’t be so obvious with it, but when he makes a hand gesture, you follow with a similar hand gesture. If his voice tone is lower and conversational, adjust your volume to match his. If your man is being romantic over dinner, you DO NOT want your laughter to be loud! Understand? Mirror and match him and watch the sparks fly.
7. Become interested in what he is interested in. That does not mean you have to become an expert in football or soccer. But you can take and interest in his hobbies and learn the basics. He will appreciate you taking the time to enter his world so to speak. It may make him a little more willing to listen to you yammer on and on about the new shoes and purse you just bought. Ladies remember this: Smart is sexy. Uninformed and dumb is. …well you already know the answer to that one.
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