While women have made major strides in the workforce in the past few
years, they hold on average fewer senior level positions than their male
counterparts. This is even more striking in PR. Although nearly 80
percent of the public relations industry is comprised of women, about
four out of every five leadership positions are held by men.
Our industry is missing out on an untapped resource.
Why are women such effective leaders?
1. Women are active listeners. Women know when it’s time to listen and tend to be more empathetic than men. We’re able to more clearly understand the needs of others because we connect on a deeper level. This enables us to be more attuned to client’s needs and more sincere in the delivery of language, creating the possibility for satisfied, long-term customers.
2. Women tend to be more social. Studies show that women are more social than men, leading to higher rates of effective collaboration and creativity within a business. We’re also extremely social with technology. A recent study by Moosylvania revealed that women are more likely to use smartphones and tablets than men to seek interaction. Women are comfortable making connections with both acquaintances and strangers, which can be a huge driver for new business.
3. Women are plugged into current events. Women are more likely to stay up-to-date with the news and apply it to clients and workplace issues. While men have better special capacity for mental rotation, women outperform men in spatial memory and executing multiple tasks as once, such as scrolling the news, answering a phone, and reflecting on a problem. This also makes women effective at strategizing solutions.
4. Women are more effective in group settings. Women aren’t afraid to speak with others about issues and stress. We’re better connectors. Although there isn’t a direct link between IQs of members on a team, a recent Harvard Business Review study found that a group including women tends to have a higher collective intelligence. Our natural ability to communicate allows us to better paint a picture of the future.
5. The “big picture” is more in-focus for women leaders. While men typically focus on money and larger gains, women tend to focus on the bigger picture and be more risk averse. A recent Accenture survey shows women are likely to care about work-life balance over money, fostering an environment for overall success at a company.
Our industry is missing out on an untapped resource.
Why are women such effective leaders?
1. Women are active listeners. Women know when it’s time to listen and tend to be more empathetic than men. We’re able to more clearly understand the needs of others because we connect on a deeper level. This enables us to be more attuned to client’s needs and more sincere in the delivery of language, creating the possibility for satisfied, long-term customers.
2. Women tend to be more social. Studies show that women are more social than men, leading to higher rates of effective collaboration and creativity within a business. We’re also extremely social with technology. A recent study by Moosylvania revealed that women are more likely to use smartphones and tablets than men to seek interaction. Women are comfortable making connections with both acquaintances and strangers, which can be a huge driver for new business.
3. Women are plugged into current events. Women are more likely to stay up-to-date with the news and apply it to clients and workplace issues. While men have better special capacity for mental rotation, women outperform men in spatial memory and executing multiple tasks as once, such as scrolling the news, answering a phone, and reflecting on a problem. This also makes women effective at strategizing solutions.
4. Women are more effective in group settings. Women aren’t afraid to speak with others about issues and stress. We’re better connectors. Although there isn’t a direct link between IQs of members on a team, a recent Harvard Business Review study found that a group including women tends to have a higher collective intelligence. Our natural ability to communicate allows us to better paint a picture of the future.
5. The “big picture” is more in-focus for women leaders. While men typically focus on money and larger gains, women tend to focus on the bigger picture and be more risk averse. A recent Accenture survey shows women are likely to care about work-life balance over money, fostering an environment for overall success at a company.